As a Dream Partner with the Tree of Life Family, you are joining your hands and hearts with Benjamin and Amanda Conway, and with all the people involved in the Tree of Life Family to reach tens of thousands of people with the truths they need to walk in their dreams.
We have set up the Dream Partners because people are asking me how they can get involved in giving to us and extending our reach. Right now our TV ministry is reaching a potential audience of 1.4 billion people per week. We are all over the world, seeing lives changed, seeing people lifted to new heights, seeing people released into their dreams and ministry.
We are truly taking the good news that God is good and God wants you to walk in your dreams more than we want to walk in our dreams to the world! I am believing for three hundred new partners who will give £1 a day, or £30 a month as a minimum, and you can give that the way that is most convenient to you. £360 a year, £30 a month or even £1 a day. If you are unable to commit to £30 per month, you are welcome to pledge whatever amount you can afford.
By partnering together, we are making a global and eternal impact.
Ephesians 6.8 says "whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord". That's a good deal. What you do to make happen for other people, God will do for you. I know that if you are a Dream Partner with Tree of Life, you will enjoy a special blessing from the Lord. As you help us make other people's dreams come true, God Himself will help you make your dreams come true!
I pray for our Dream Partners every single day, I pray Philippians 1.9-11 over them, believing that God will make these words reality in your life:
9 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.
I believe God answers prayers. I believe that when you partner with us, you and I join together with God and things change. Ezekiel 21.26 says "Things will not remain the same" and I believe that is the truth for all our Dream Partners. I believe that as you partner with us today, things will change in your life. You are going to change - starting right now! I expect a great harvest of change in your own life!
Starting January 2023, I am going to record a monthly video message teaching the Word exclusively for our partners. As a partner you will have access to all of these messages whenever you want to encourage and inspire and lift you to a higher level.
Not only that, but your gift is helping feed children in Kenya, supports orphanages in Burundi, distributes Bible all over Africa, and much much more.

Personal Message from Ben Conway:
We are truly looking to expand the Tree of Life Family. God woke me in the morning, in February 2010, and told me to call our ministry "TREE OF LIFE" because of Proverbs 13.12 which tells us that a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. Our calling is to help people walk in their dreams. Over the years, we have seen many, many people walk in their dreams. It has been wonderful.
Our entrance to TV and the growth of our TV ministry has been a miracle from God, and prove of the grace of God on our ministry.
I believe this ministry is helping people. I believe that you have been helped by this ministry, and I also believe that you want to help other people and you know that listening to the ministry of Tree of Life can provide that help to people in a powerful and life changing way. It may be you heard our message because of other partners who have sowed and given. Through your gift, we can reach thousands more people.
I genuinely believe that the anointing on my life and the message God has laid inside me about the power of the complete work of Christ and the glory of God has helped many people walk in their dreams. To date, we know two people who have seen tumours disappear just watching the TV programme! However, the truth is that no matter how powerful the message and no matter how the power flows through me, until the message is delivered, it cannot be read! Your partnership with us makes the delivery of the message possible!
Now not only does your partnership help us change the world, but it brings a powerful increase into your life. It isn't just about you supporting the Tree of Life Family, but it is about us being one ministry together. I see our partners as part of the ministry, and together we are changing the world, inspiring people to dream big and challenging people to live in their dreams.